Stay Connected!

School Communication

Husky Howl Weekly Newsletter is sent every Monday and will share the school’s most important events and announcements, including a message from the principal. 
You will receive the Husky Howl at the preferred email(s) provided when registering. To update your email preferences or to request a Spanish version, fill out the form here. You can also reach out to School Clerk, Margo Innocente, with any questions or concerns.
Website: There is a lot of great information at Visit News & Announcements for the most up to date. 
Jahn School Calendar: Upcoming events will be sent through the weekly newsletter as well as live on the Jahn school website at and on Facebook. You can subscribe or add individual entries to your preferred online calendar. 
Classroom Communication: Teachers will provide a schedule of when they will be sending home information about classroom activities. 
Aspen Parent Portal: Use the Parent Portal to check grades, attendance, and other information easily and conveniently about your student's progress. Visit to log in and reach out to Ms. Margo with any questions. 
Friends of Jahn (FOJ): Periodically, you will receive emails from FOJ with community-building and other event information. 
School Staff Online Directory: The best way to contact a member of the Jahn team is through email. You can find an administrator, teacher, or staff member at
CPS Communication: Email, voicemail, and text communications used by the school district. 
Other Channels: Social media and mobile applications are good ways to stay connected!
  • Follow @JahnSchool on Facebook
  • Join Jahn Parent Connection: A place for parents and other Jahn community members on Facebook to meet each other and talk about all things Jahn
  • Private Facebook group or WhatsApp Messenger by grade level 
Room Representative Program
Room Reps help create an inclusive and welcoming environment by strengthening family-to-family partnerships within their classroom. They help facilitate communication and work with their teacher on classroom activities, events, and projects. 
Volunteer for your classroom when you hear more about the program from your teacher or look out for messages from your Room Rep.
Sick Days
If your child must miss school due to illness, please report their absence via the Google form on the school website. You can also contact Ms. Margo or leave a note in your child’s backpack upon their return.