NEW Jahn Summer Program - Environmental Club!

Please complete the summer OST application form. You can reach out to the main office or Sarah Jacox at [email protected] if you need assistance completing the application form or have any questions. "Rising" refers to the grade that the student will be when school resumes in the fall. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. The form is officially open. Thank you!
New! Rising 5th-8th grade: Environmental Club! 
Teacher: Ms. Cruz
July 22-26th (5 days total)
The Environmental Club will help with watering plants on school grounds, help fill our bird feeders, learn about and discuss ideas and initiatives that can help and improve the health and wellness of our school community. We will also learn and discuss environmental needs in our school and sustainability education.
Filling out the OST form does not guarantee enrollment. Enrollment will be confirmed by the end of May.  
Programs need to have a sufficient number of students to run.  
If you have multiple children applying for OST programs, please fill out one form for each child.  
Please email Sarah Jacox at [email protected] if you have any OST questions!
Visit here for a full list of our summer program offerings.