Principal Message - Sept 9th

Greetings Husky Families


Two weeks of school are now in the books and the year is quickly off to a wonderful start.  It’s been great seeing our students and staff back on campus.  As we enter another week, we encourage you to begin it by attending our Open House today Monday, September 9th.  This event begins at 4 pm and will provide you with an opportunity to immediately visit classrooms.   For those of you taking on the responsibility of being a room parent representative this year, there will be an orientation for you beginning at 5 pm in the parent room (on the lower level of our building).  


While we continue to elevate our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) theme for the month, Building Community, we encourage you to make connections at home.  Listed below are a few resources to assist you:  


Grades PK-2nd: The Rabbit Listened - Cori Doerrfeld; The Giving Tree - Shel Silverstein; Peanut Butter and Cupcake - Terry Border.  

Grades 3rd -5th:  Be Kind - Pat Zietlow Miller; The Big Umbrella - June Bates. 

Grades 6th-8th:  Harbor Me - Jacqueline Woodson; New Kid - Jerry Craft; Freak The Mighty - Rodman Philbrook.


In wake of recent tragic events happening in schools, I wanted to remind you that our school regularly reviews the CPS Safety Protocols for handling threats, whether they come from social media, electronic communications, or other sources.  As a school, we have scheduled all of our safety drills, which include the following:  fire, lockdown and shelter-in-place.   While we do not provide notice for our fire and shelter-in-place drills, we will alert you ahead of our scheduled time for the lockdown drill. This will allow you to decide whether to keep your child(ren) at home that day.  If you have any questions about our safety protocols, please reach out to the school.  


Please read below for a few updates and reminders.   


Follow us on Instagram @jahnschool


Dr. Kimbrough and Dr. Ferreras 


Drop-off Safety:  Please assist us with the safety for everyone by not dropping students off in the crosswalk.  We have a number of curbside areas where students can be dropped off.  


CPS Calendar:  This link provides you with the 2024-25 CPS Calendar.  It includes days off and vacations.  Please work to schedule trips or appointments during times students are not in school.  Our school day starts promptly at 8 am.  A detailed calendar that includes specific dates for Jahn events is forthcoming.  


Meal Menus:  All students, except half day Pre-K,  receive free breakfast and lunch regardless of income.  Students can also bring their own nut-free lunch.  CPS meal menus are here: CPS Meal viewer - Jahn


Upcoming Events/Dates:  


Jahn Open House - Monday, September 9th - 4 pm.  Please join us for this in-person opportunity to meet your child’s classroom teacher, as well as other members of the Jahn school community.  Our Open House will be held from 4 to 5 pm followed by a Room parent representative orientation from 5 to 5:30 pm (held in the parent room).  


Latinx and Indigenous Peoples’ Heritage Month - September 15th - October 15th.  Please stay tuned for our calendar of events highlighting the numerous contributions of Latinx and Indigenous people.  


Husky Hustle - Friday, September 20th.  Please read Friends of Jahn’s announcement below for additional details on this annual event.  


Quarter 1 Progress Reports - Thursday, September 26th.  Progress reports will be distributed to students on this day.  


8th Grade Movie Night - Thursday, September 26th.  Please join our 8th graders as they raise money for their Legacy trip to NYC.  The night begins with food at 6 pm followed by the movie at 7 pm.  Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy the film, The Book of Life.  


Professional Development Day - Friday, September 27th.  This is a non-attendance day for our students.  Our staff will be participating in professional learning.  



For Further Assistance:  


Enrollment, Parent Portal, Student Fees, Transportation, Volunteering, and Ventra Cards: Contact: Margo Innocente [email protected]


After School Programming: [email protected]


504/IEP Questions: Jackie Defina [email protected]