Jahn Book Room

Ask your child because they’ve probably already had a chance to visit it! Teachers take the opportunity when they can. Another good indicator is if they come home with a new book in hand! Enjoy! We just ask that high interest books be returned, and Ms. Chambers will be sure to let your student know. 
Thank you to everyone who donated and bid on the book room books in the Friends of Jahn Online Auction. We are so excited to give our kids access to these amazing titles! The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) worked with Ms. Chambers to put together these packages and you can find her full wish list here. There is a bin in the Parent Room located in Jahn’s basement where they can be dropped off. We will happily take any book donations for PreK-8 as well. Some great local places to shop for books are Young, Black & Lit, Pilsen Community Books, Women & Children First, and RoscoeBooks
In partnership with PAC, we’re hoping to eventually make the book room function like a library and will need to lean on the support of parent volunteers. Fill out this form with your information if you would like to get involved and be kept up to date on the progress. You can also reach out to PAC Chair, Mollie Vivoda, at [email protected] or attend one of our monthly meetings
Feature by Parent Advisory Council (PAC)